Most recent match

RCCW Legend Championship

The AnArchist (C) V. Haydes

One-Way Streetfight

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RCCW Legend Championship

The AnArchist (C) V. J Ice














AnArchy returns to R.C.C.W.

It looks like the challenger for Haydes's

RCCW Legend Championship has some plans...

...and some friends.




"The AnArchist" Brian Davidson V. Haydes (C)

No Disqualification

RCCW Legend Championship

There were some very important people at ringside for this show; namely, representatives from the Special Olympics.

Because of this, the TLC Match that was supposed to happen was changed to No Disqualification instead, and both parties were told to keep as much of the match INside the ring as possible.

Of course, a certain "AnArchiologist" was determined to make sure ALL of the action didn't stay IN the ring ;-)