Our Mission

Our goal and our passion has been to work hard, entertain our fans, and just plain have fun. We are excited to be filming & embedding member videos again, and we hope you see us soon, or just drop us a line.


"ThatAnArchyDude is great, if a bit obscure.  I still love his unique sense of humor!" -- ShielaAussie, YouTube

"Corvus Entertainment [a subsidiary of Corvus Enterprises] is the most down-to-Earth entertainment company I've ever seen.  They respect & support their fans with viwer-submitted material, and even have informative serials as well.  11/10!" -- Chad Davis, Indianapolis, Indiana

History of project

Corvus Enterprises was originally launched February 10, 2010 (as "AnArchyEnterprises.net) when That AnArchy Dude & That Gothic Kid joined forces to combine all of the great content from themselves, and their friends & allies onto ONE site!


On August 16, 2013, after nearly 3 years of being down due to the original server shutting down, AENet returned, but returned as "Corvus Enterprises due to potential trademark infringement, and with a ton of more content which is being added daily!

Most of this content is now considered old stuff that had never been on the site before, but new stuff is being added as it comes out.

New content will ALWAYS be added on a special page entitled "Now Playing", first.

Older content will be posted in it's proper location.

Once the site is completely up-to-date, the "Now Playing" section will continue, but all new content will also be posted in it's appropriate area as soon as possible.


Here's to the future!

Stay golden!  ;-)